We have released OpenBGPD 8.8, which will be arriving in the
OpenBGPD directory of your local OpenBSD mirror soon.

This release includes the following changes to the previous release:

    * Improve default multiproto capability announcement selection.
      The default MP capability is only set if no other capability is
      configured on the neighbor.

    * The `reject as-set` configuration option now defaults to yes.
      Route announcements with AS_SET segments in the AS_PATH Attribute
      will be rejected. See draft-ietf-idr-deprecate-as-set-confed-set
      for more information.

    * The RFC 8654 Extended Message configuration changed from
      "announce extended (yes|no|enforce)" to
      "announce extended message (yes|no|enforce)"

    * RFC 8950 - Extended nexthop encoding support in the RIB.

    * Preliminary support for EVPN in the RIB.

    * When "transparent-as yes" is set, well-known BGP communities are
      passed on according to RFC 7947. This means that IX Route Servers
      transparently pass through NO_EXPORT, NO_ADVERTISE, etc.

    * Fix an error introduced in the previous release that prevented
      sessions from staying down.

    * Fix add-path send support using best, ecmp, or as-wide-best mode
      which was not working correctly in the previous release.

    * Fix FIB handling on FreeBSD when an interface is destroyed.

    * Make the example bgpd.conf work out of the box with 4byte ASN.

OpenBGPD-portable is known to compile and run on FreeBSD and the
Linux distributions Alpine, Debian, Fedora, RHEL/CentOS and Ubuntu.
It is our hope that packagers take interest and help adapt OpenBGPD-portable
to more distributions.

We welcome feedback and improvements from the broader community.
Thanks to all of the contributors who helped make this release