Packages changed: dracut (056+suse.252.g75c0d4d5 -> 056+suse.261.gf83268d5) gcc12 (12.0.1+git192251 -> 12.0.1+git192423) libeconf (0.4.4+git20220104.962774f -> 0.4.5+git20220406.c9658f2) perl-Bootloader (0.937 -> 0.938) plasma5-desktop podman (3.4.4 -> 4.0.3) python-M2Crypto yast2 (4.4.47 -> 4.5.1) === Details === ==== dracut ==== Version update (056+suse.252.g75c0d4d5 -> 056+suse.261.gf83268d5) Subpackages: dracut-ima dracut-mkinitrd-deprecated - Update to version 056+suse.261.gf83268d5: * chore(suse): remove fipscheck requirement (bsc#1198065) - Update to version 056+suse.259.g16e9c5e9: * fix(ifcfg): repair POSIX compliance * fix(network-legacy): repair POSIX compliance * fix(dracut-install): copy files preserving ownership attributes (bsc#1197967) * fix(bluetooth): make $dbussystem/bluetooth.conf optional (bsc#1195047) ==== gcc12 ==== Version update (12.0.1+git192251 -> 12.0.1+git192423) Subpackages: libgcc_s1 libgomp1 libstdc++6 - Bump to 86242eb1bd03eba82d8e22b01b16925d43bcc539, git192423. Fixes aarch64 bootstrap issue (PR105144). ==== libeconf ==== Version update (0.4.4+git20220104.962774f -> 0.4.5+git20220406.c9658f2) - Update to version 0.4.5+git20220406.c9658f2: * econftool: * * New call "syntax" for checking the configuration files only. Returns an error string with line number if an error occurs. * * New options "--comment" and "--delimeters" * * Parsing one file only if needed. ==== perl-Bootloader ==== Version update (0.937 -> 0.938) - merge gh#openSUSE/perl-bootloader#138 - grub2/install: reset error code when passing through recover code (bsc#1198197) - 0.938 ==== plasma5-desktop ==== - Repair build for s390x with unapplicable files for IBM Z ==== podman ==== Version update (3.4.4 -> 4.0.3) Subpackages: podman-cni-config - Add patch to make buildah happy after selinux change: * 0001-Adjust-buildah-to-opencontainers-selinux-v1.10.1.patch - Add patch to fix starting containers on btrfs with SELinux (gh#opencontainers/selinux#172): * 0001-Relabel-relabel-links-instead-of-their-targets.patch - Add patch to fix starting containers as user service with systemd 250 (boo#1197672, gh#containers/podman#13731): * 0002-specgen-do-not-set-OOMScoreAdj-by-default.patch - Update to version 4.0.3: * Security - This release fixes CVE-2022-27649, where containers run by Podman would have excess inheritable capabilities set. * Changes - The podman machine rm --force command will now remove running machines as well (such machines are shut down first, then removed) (#13448). - When a podman machine VM is started that is using a too-old VM image, it will now start in a reduced functionality mode, and provide instructions on how to recreate it (previously, VMs were effectively unusable) (#13510). * Bugfixes - Fixed a bug where devices added to containers by the --device option to podman run and podman create would not be accessible within the container. - Fixed a bug where Podman would refuse to create containers when the working directory in the container was a symlink (#13346). - Fixed a bug where pods would be created with cgroups even if cgroups were disabled in containers.conf (#13411). - Fixed a bug where the podman play kube command would produce confusing errors if invalid YAML with duplicated container named was passed (#13332). - Fixed a bug where the podman machine rm command would not remove the Podman API socket on the host that was associated with the VM. - Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client was unable to properly resize the TTYs of containers on non-Linux OSes. - Fixed a bug where rootless Podman could hang indefinitely when starting containers on systems with IPv6 disabled (#13388). - Fixed a bug where the podman version command could sometimes print excess blank lines as part of its output. - Fixed a bug where the podman generate systemd command would sometimes generate systemd services with names beginning with a hyphen (#13272). - Fixed a bug where locally building the pause image could fail if the current directory contained a .dockerignore file (#13529). - Fixed a bug where root containers in VMs created by podman machine could not bind ports to specific IPs on the host (#13543). - Fixed a bug where the storage utilization percentages displayed by podman system df were incorrect (#13516). - Fixed a bug where the CPU utilization percentages displayed by podman stats were incorrect (#13597). - Fixed a bug where containers created with the --no-healthcheck option would still display healthcheck status in podman inspect (#13578). - Fixed a bug where the podman pod rm command could print a warning about a missing cgroup (#13382). - Fixed a bug where the podman exec command could sometimes print a timed out waiting for file error after the process in the container exited (#13227). - Fixed a bug where virtual machines created by podman machine were not tolerant of changes to the path to the qemu binary on the host (#13394). - Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's podman build command did not properly handle the context directory if a Containerfile was manually specified using -f (#13293). - Fixed a bug where Podman would not properly detect the use of systemd as PID 1 in a container when the entrypoint was prefixed with /bin/sh -c (#13324). - Fixed a bug where rootless Podman could, on systems that do not use systemd as init, print a warning message about the rootless network namespace (#13703). - Fixed a bug where the default systemd unit file for podman system service did not delegate all cgroup controllers, resulting in podman info queries against the remote API returning incorrect cgroup controllers (#13710). - Fixed a bug where the slirp4netns port forwarder for rootless Podman would only publish the first port of a range (#13643). * API - Fixed a bug where the Compat Create API for containers did not properly handle permissions for tmpfs mounts (#13108). * Misc - The static binary for Linux is now built with CGo disabled to avoid panics due to a Golang bug (#13557). - Updated Buildah to v1.24.3 - Updated the containers/storage library to v1.38.3 - Updated the containers/image library to v5.19.2 - Updated the containers/common library to v0.47.5 - Update to version 4.0.2: * Bump to v4.0.2 * Update release notes for v4.0.2 * Revert "use GetRuntimeDir() from c/common" * Revert "Option --url and --connection should imply --remote." * Option --url and --connection should imply --remote. * Bump to v4.0.2-dev * Bump to v4.0.1 * Update release notes for v4.0.1 * Fix a potential flake in volume plugins tests * Propagate $CONTAINERS_CONF to conmon * tests: Remove inaccurate comment * System tests: show one-line config overview * provide better error on invalid flag * use GetRuntimeDir() from c/common * kube: honor --build=false and make --build=true by default * system tests: cleanup networks on teardown * Remove the runtime lock * Don't log errors on removing volumes inuse, if container --volumes-from * kube: honor mount propagation mode * Load ip_tables modules at boot * Cirrus: Disable F34 aka prior-fedora testing * Cirrus: Update VM Images for 4.0 release * Bump to v4.0.1-dev * Bump to v4.0.0 * Release notes for v4.0.0 final * Fix lint * Fix manifest 4.0 Endpoints Branch forced 4.0 only endpoints * Introduce podman machine init --root=t|f and podman machine set --root=t|f * Initial implementation of mac forwarding using a privileged docker sock claim helper * ignition: propagate proxy settings from a host into a vm * Update to podman4 copr stream * Unify ls --filter docs for networks and pods * e2e: merge after/since image-filter tests * podman network: add documentation for netavark * create: Fix key=value annotation in the flag output * enable netavark specific tests * Fix checkpoint/restore pod tests * Make sure building with relative paths work correctly. * Add 409 response to swagger godoc * Fix images since/after tests * Changes of docker descriptions * Temporarily pull machine images from side repo * Cirrus: TODO: netavark/aardvark release branches * Cirrus: Expand netavark testing to include rootless * Cirrus: Minor - limit release task applicability * Cirrus: Add [CI:BUILD] magic that only builds * CI: fix nightly builds * Cirrus: Log netavark/aardvark binary build info. * Cirrus: Add netavark/aardvark system test task * Cirrus: Also download aardvark-dns binary * Cirrus: Add e2e task w/ upstream netavark * Revert minimum API change * netavark e2e tests * Bump to v4.0.0-dev * Bump to v4.0.0-RC5 * Update release notes for v4.0.0-RC5 * Modify /etc/resolv.conf when connecting/disconnecting * Do not set the network config dir to cni plugin dir * Show API doc for several versions * [NO NEW TEST NEEDED] Add schema for ImageCreate 200 response. * fix: Multiplication of durations * move rootless netns slirp4netns process to systemd user.slice * compat: endpoint /build must set header content type as application/json in reponse * Cleanup: remove obsolete/misleading bug workaround * tests: retrofit healthcheck system tests * healthcheck, libpod: Read healthcheck event output from os pipe * Fix: Do not print error when parsing journald log fails * Bump from 1.0.1 to 1.0.4 * append podman dns search domain * Podman pod create --share-parent vs --share=cgroup * System tests: revert emergency skip of checkpoint tests * Add version guard to libpod API endpoints * [v4.0] Bump c/common to v0.47.4 * idmap should be able to be specified along with other options * Vendor in containers/buildah v1.24.1 * Bump to v4.0.0-dev * Bump to v4.0.0-RC4 * Disable failing E2E test * Revert "Move each search dns to its own line" * Move each search dns to its own line * Update release notes for v4.0.0-RC4 * Document `schema` values in the `--url` flag * podman image scp syntax correction * system prune: remove all networks * Only change network fields if they were actually changed by the user * docs: clarify rootless net stats * Fix size to match Docker selection * libpod: enforce noexec,nosuid,nodev for /dev/shm * Clarify remote client means Mac and Windows * libpod: report slirp4netns network stats * Add notes to "--oom-kill-disable" not supported on cgroups V2 * Fix use of infra image to clarify default * Adapt podman images ls filters docs to be aligned with prune filters docs * ignition, machine: delegate cpu,io cgroup controllers to machine's default users * pkg/bindings/images.Build(): slashify "dockerfile" values, too * Remove mention of IPv6 portfwd from release notes * Bump to v4.0.0-dev * Bump to v4.0.0-RC3 * Update release notes for v4.0.0-RC3 * Fix Cirrus destination branch * volume: add support for non-volatile upperdir,workdir for overlay volumes * github: label issues based on os fix regex * github: label issues based on os * Cirrus: Fix initial setup * System tests: emergency skip of checkpoint tests * network create: allow multiple subnets * Update * Fix sort ordering of filters * Unify podman prune filter description: volumes, networks, system * Bump Buildah to v1.24.0 * rootless: drop permission check for devices * switch podman image scp from depending on machinectl to just os/exec * Bump from 5.18.0 to 5.19.0 * Bump from 1.38.0 to 1.38.1 * change location of where make outputs podman binary on osx * Github workflow: Fix parsing of GraphQL response JSON * Github-workflow: Fix YAML syntax * Update godoc, swagger using wrong struct * Makefile: install targets independent of build * [CI:DOCS] Fix typos and improve language * CI: enable rootless-remote system tests * pkg/specgen/generate/security: fix error message * Github workflow: Send e-mail on job error * Github workflow: Update Cirrus-cron GraphQL query * remote build: set rootless oci isolation correctly * [CI:DOCS] Fix typos and improve language * Fix handling of duplicate matches on id expansion * Show correct default values or show none * exec: retry rm -rf on ENOTEMPTY and EBUSY * container create: do not check for network dns support * libpod: fix leaking fd * libpod: fix connection leak * [CI:DOCS] fix typo subpordinate * Fix filter description and unify filters docs for containers/images prune * Remove unused param and clean API handlers * Restore machine start logic that was hanging * Bump to v4.0.0-dev * Bump to v4.0.0-RC2 * Final release notes for v4.0.0-rc2 * Run codespell on code * Update release notes for Podman v4.0.0 * Fix #2 for compat commit handling of --changes * Fix nil pointer dereference for configmap optional * Make error message matching in 030-run.bats less fragile * Don't explicitly check for crun|runc in package information * Don't segfault if an image layer has no creation timestamp * compat: remove hardcoded index from load images output report * compat: images/load must be able to load tar with multiple images * System tests: fix for new systemd on rawhide * Remove rootless_networking option from containers.conf * vendor c/psgo@v1.7.2 * Engine.Remote from containers.conf * vendor: bump c/common and other vendors * rootless: report correctly the error * Implement API forwarding for podman machine on Windows * Implement env parsing on Windows * Handle changes in docker compat mode * Show package version when running on alpine * Handlers for `generate systemd` with custom dependencies * APIv2 tests: followup to recent log test * Add IndexConfigs to compat /info endpoint * Bump from 1.0.3 to 1.1.0 * apiv2 test: add regression test for #12904 * fix the project name * rename --cni-config-dir to --network-config-dir * compat attach: fix write on closed channel * upgrade all dependencies * Revert "Cirrus: Temporarily disable OSX Cross task" * Bump from 1.0.3 to 1.1.0 * bump go module to version 4 * [NO NEW TESTS NEEDED] add builddeps to copr template * CI: rootless user: also create in some root tests * [WIP] Tests for podman image scp (the sudo form) * Revamp Libpod state strings for Docker compat * Cirrus: Temporarily disable OSX Cross task * update c/common to latest * Use PODMAN_USERNS environment variable when running as a service * Unify the method of parsing filters in cmd * fix default branch links * [CI:DOCS] fix default branch links * [CI:DOCS] Unprivileged native overlayfs is now supported * [CI:DOCS] Fix typo in --env * Recursively copy cert files. * Refactor manifest list operations * Add rpkg template for COPR autobuild * Fix cgroup mode handling in api server * Standardize on capatalized Cgroups * test/system: podman run update /etc/hosts * Remove two GetImages functions from API * Use fully-qualified device name in CDI test * Use new CDI API * troubleshooting links to main branch * Podman Build use absolute filepath * Prohibit --uid/gid map and --pod for container create/run * podman container rm: remove pod * Manual fixes for PR #12642: * podman build enable --all-platforms and --unsetenv * use events_logfile_path from containers.conf for events log. * Podman Pod Create --sysctl support * Wait for podman stop to complete * libpod: fix check for systemd session * libpod: refine check for empty pod cgroup * fix buildah-bud test diff * upgrade test: check that network backend is cni * use netns package from c/common * update buildah to latest and use new network stack * podman image scp: implement --quiet * use libnetwork from c/common * Add --noout option to prevent the output of ids * remote events: convert TimeNano properly * Bump from 0.4.1 to 1.0.0 * vendor latest c/common * add additional fields to podman machine ls --json * buildah bud tests: skip failing tests * Fix permission on secrets directory * Add podman rm --depend * fix host.containers.internal entry for macvlan networks * It takes some time to start a VM * Pretty Print output of podman machine ls --format json * Use the InfraImage defined in containers.conf * Cirrus: Freshen VM images * Revert "Cirrus: Temp. ignore gitlab task failures" * pkg: use PROXY_VARS from c/common * ignition: add support from setting SSL_CERT_FILE * ignition: propogate HTTP proxy variables from host to remote * System tests: fix RHEL8 gating tests * vendor c/common * Remove dead RuntimeOption functions * Update docker cli message for case where user creates directory * Don't add env if optional and not found * Fix type-o in podman.wxs * [CI:DOCS] fixes indentation of example pod yaml * Prevent double decoding of storage options * Emergency system-test fixes * add OCI Runtime name to errors * fix healthcheck timeouts and ut8 coercion * Don't rename pod if container has the same name * Set volume NeedsCopyUp to false iff data was copied up * Fix CI * correct typo words in docs * Change Tests to ignore missing containers when removing --all * test/e2e/pod_initcontainers: fix a flake * test/e2e/run: don't use date +%N on Alpine * Support all volume mounts for rootless containers * Fix wrong 'podman search --format' placeholder * Fix Container List API call to return mount info * fix misleading comment regarding default value of cpu period [NO NEW TESTS NEEDED] * add --ip6 flag to podman create/run * legacy events: also set exitCode * Don't initialize the global RNG with GinkgoRandomSeed() in e2e tests * Avoid collisions on RemoteSocket paths * Refactor remote socket path determination in tests * fix doc * test/system: podman run image with filesystem permission * test/system: podman run with log-opt option * Update swagger documentation * Make it possible to select the volume driver * Check the mount type for future compatibility * Implement virtfs volumes for podman machine * [CI:DOCS] Add example of cpus to init command * prefix imageId with sha256: in containers list test for compat API ImageId * Pod Security Option support * ignition: add certs from current user into the machine while init * docs: sort swagger operations alpabetically * .service file removal on failure * Introduce Windows WSL implementation of podman machine * podman image scp never enter podman user NS * Allow users to add host user accounts to /etc/passwd * container creation: don't apply reserved annotations from image * [CI:DOCS] clarify `io.podman.annotations.seccomp` * Error out early if system does not support pre-copy checkpointing * Update go-criu to v5.3.0 * [CI:DOCS] docs: document rootless userns mappings * Switch to a new installer approach using a path manipulation helper * e2e: Add dev/shm checkpoint/restore test * Enable checkpoint/restore for /dev/shm * Update * Always run passwd management code when DB value is nil * Warn on use of --kernel-memory * support hosts without /etc/hosts * Podman run --passwd * ci: force scratch build for crun * Use hosts public ip address in rootless containers * compat: image normalization: handle sha256 prefix * specgen: honor userns=auto from containers.conf * [CI:DOCS] Small checkpoint/restore man page fixes * [CI:DOCS] Explicitly mention that checkpointing systemd containers might fail * vendor: update containers/storage * build: fix test for subid 4 * test: add --rm to podman run commands * fix(generate): fix up podman generate kube missing env field bug * legacy events: also set Action="die" * rootless: include the args in the debug message * apiv2 tests: use for platform tests * image rm: allow for force-remove infra images * tests: adjust old build test to expect exit code * Test for checkpoint specific inspect fields * Add more checkpoint/restore information to 'inspect' * build: relay exitcode from imagebuildah to registry * Removed .service file for healthchecks * Set machine timezone * MovePauseProcessToScope do not seed everytime * bindings rmi test: clarify behavior * bump cobra to 1.3.0 * .github: revert to the old template * oci: configure the devices cgroup with default devices * kill: fix output * e2e: search flake: skip test on * APIv2 tests: fail on syntax/logic errors * Show --external containers even without --all option * apiv2 tests: refactor complicated curls * fix network id handling * Update Windows Install Doc * Fixes #12063 Add docker compatible output after image build. * pause scope: don't use the global math/rand RNG * specgen: check that networks are only set with bridge * container restore/import: store networks from db * play kube add support for multiple networks * support advanced network configuration via cli * Add new networks format to spegecen * fix incorrect swagger doc for network dis/connect * network connect allow ip, ipv6 and mac address * network db: add new strucutre to container create * remove unneeded return value from c.Networks() * network db rewrite: migrate existing settings * network ls: show networks in deterministic order * Bump * pprof flakes: bump timeout to 20 seconds * Add secret list --filter to cli * Cirrus: Temp. ignore gitlab task failures * compat build: adhere to q/quiet * Make XRegistryAuthHeader and XRegistryConfigHeader private * Remove the authfile parameter of MakeXRegistryAuthHeader * Simplify the header decision in pkg/bindings/images.Build a bit * Remove the authfile parameter of MakeXRegistryConfigHeader * Remove no-longer-useful name variables * Consolidate creation of SystemContext with auth.json into a helper * Remove pkg/auth.Header * Call MakeXRegistryAuthHeader instead of Header(..., XRegistryAuthHeader) * Turn headerAuth into MakeXRegistryAuthHeader * Call MakeXRegistryConfigHeader instead of Header(..., XRegistryConfigHeader) * Turn headerConfig into MakeXRegistryConfigHeader * Move the auth file creation to GetCredentials * Consolidate the error handling path in GetCredentials * Only look up HTTP header values once in GetCredentials * Use Header.Values in GetCredentials.has * Beautify GetCredentials.has a bit * Pass a header value directly to parseSingleAuthHeader and parseMultiAuthHeader * Simplify parseSingleAuthHeader * Simplify the interface of parseSingleAuthHeader * Don't return a header name from auth.GetCredentials * Fix normalizeAuthFileKey to use the correct semantics * Rename normalize and a few variables * Add TestHeaderGetCredentialsRoundtrip * Add tests for auth.Header * Improve TestAuthConfigsToAuthFile * Add unit tests for singleAuthHeader * Add unit tests for multiAuthHeader * fix e2e test missing network cleanup * pprof CI flakes: enforce 5 seconds grace period * [NO NEW TESTS NEEDED] rootless: declare TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY before usage (Fixes: #12563) * --hostname should be set when using --pod new:foobar * Cirrus: Use cached swagger binary * inotify: make sure to remove files * System tests: remove rm_pause_image() * specgen: honor empty args for entrypoint * generate systemd: support entrypoint JSON strings * Bump * remove runlabel test for global opts * utils: reintroduce moveToCgroup * autocopr: distro conditionals for containers-common * vendor c/image/v5@main * Update vendor or containers/common moving pkg/cgroups there * volume: apply exact permission of target directory without adding extra 0111 * Cirrus: Remove remnants of nix-based static build * Refactor podman pods to report.Formatter * rootless netns: resolve all path components for resolv.conf * tests: clean up FIXMEs and noise * fix remote run/start flake * e2e: fix pprof flakes * Bump from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3 * vendor c/common@main * Escape trailing slash in install directory location so the closing quote is not escaped * centos 9 stream cannot use %autochangelog * Refactor podman system to report.Formatter [NO NEW TESTS NEEDED] * add spec file for automated copr builds * Add restart-sec option to systemd generate * Fix documentation of (podman image save --compress --uncompressed) * Improve documentation of (podman image save --format) * Add support for configmap volumes to play kube * cmd, push: use the configured compression format * [CI:DOCS] logformatter: fix corner case with links * UPdate vendor of image-spec and containers/storage * vendor: update containers/common * Update doc to explictly mention using ed25519 in ssh keys * Refactor podman image command output * Manual fixes * Same thing, with BeNumerically("==", x) * Use HaveLen(x) instead of Expect(len(y)).To(Equal(x)) * Same thing, for BeNumerically("==", 0) * Use BeEmpty() instead of len(x).To(Equal(0)) * Same as previous, for assertions other than Equal() * e2e tests: a little more minor cleanup * compat API: push: report size of manifest * compat: images/json * Add ashley-cui, lsm5 and floutoc to owners * remove ARTIFACT_DIR and ArtifactPath * Image caches: allow overriding cache dir * Rename CrioRoot as just Root * Fix possible rootless netns cleanup race * [NO NEW TESTS NEEDED] Refactor podman container command output * Hostname in `spec.hostname` should be passed to infra ctr init opt * container, cgroup: detect pid termination * top: parse ps(1) args correctly * podman, push: expose --compression-format * e2e: yet more cleanup of BeTrue/BeFalse * Ensure the generated NodePort values are unique * Allow containerPortsToServicePorts to fail * Don't use the global math/rand RNG for service ports * Move a comment to the relevant place * a few more manual BeTrue cleanups * Convert strings.Contains() to Expect(ContainSubstring) * e2e tests: more cleanup of BeTrue()s * Implement 'podman run --blkio-weight-device' * systemd: replace multi-user with * compat API: allow enforcing short-names resolution to Docker Hub * Fixed the containerfile not found during remote build. * podman-remote: prevent leaking secret into image * podman-remote: copy secret to contextdir is absolute path on host * api: allow build api to accept secrets * Only open save output file with WRONLY * List /etc/containers/certs.d as default for --cert-path * e2e tests: enable golint * fix: parsing of HostConfig.Mounts for container create * Move the chown to after the ADDs * fix: error reporting for archive endpoint * Bindings test: emit GIT_COMMIT, for links in logs * checkpoint do not modify XDG_RUNTIME_DIR * libpod: improve heuristic to detect cgroup * libpod, inspect: export cgroup path * stats: get the memory limit from the spec * compat: Add compatiblity with Docker/Moby API for scenarios where build fails * libpod: leave thread locked on errors * Find and fix empty Expect()s * Unset SocketLabel after system finishes checkpointing * Remove StringInSlice(), part 2 * Remove StringInSlice(), part 1 * e2e test cleanup, continued * Update * Warn on failing to update container status * oci: ack crun output when container is not there * oci: exit gracefully if container is already dead * Support env variables based on ConfigMaps sent in payload * image lookup: do not match *any* tags * generate systemd: add --start-timeout flag * Oops! Manual edits to broken tests * e2e tests: clean up antihelpful BeTrue()s * Cirrus: Strip out static nix build * Rename pod on generate of container * [CI:DOCS] Update notes on java TZ in man page * Bump from 5.16.1 to 5.17.0 * Fix netavark error handling and teardown issue * swagger: add layers to build api docs * compat: add layer caching compatiblity for non podman clients * Bump from 1.9.1 to 1.10.0 * Add note about volume with unprivileged container * Add EXPOSE e2e test * Support EXPOSE with port ranges * compat: Add subnet mask behind IP address to match Docker API * [CI:DOCS] Add java TZ note to run manpage * Bump from 0.14.5 to 0.14.6 * podman-remote does not support signature-policy * Add tests for restore runtime verification * Use same runtime to restore a container as during checkpointing * Force iptables driver for netavark tests * Make sure netavark output is logged to the syslog * filter: use filepath.Match to maintain consistency with other pattern matching in podman * Semiperiodic cleanup of obsolete Skip()s * [CI:DOCS]upload a translation file * api/handlers: Add checkpoint/restore FileLocks * test: Update error string for --file-locks test * fix duplicated logs command * Bump * Bump from 0.22.3 to 0.22.4 * Do not store the exit command in container config * Add test for checkpoint/restore with --file-locks * Add --file-locks checkpoint/restore option * Cirrus: Bump Fedora to release 35 * Cirrus: Partially revert catatonit --force install * Revert "Cirrus: Temp. disable prior-fedora testing" * Cirrus: Workaround log_driver=journald setting * Cirrus: Fix bindings test hang b/c logging config mismatch * Cirrus: Timeout bindings test after 30m * Cirrus: Log more things in bindings and unit tests * Minor Makefile fix * rootless netns, one netns per libpod tmp dir * Introduce Address type to be used in secondary IPv4 and IPv6 inspect data structure. * volumes: add new option idmap * remote checkpoint/restore: more fixes * fix CI * fix: take absolute path for dd on apple silicon * System tests: new checkpoint tests * rootless: use catatonit to maintain user+mnt namespace * rootless: drop strerror(errno) calls * rootless: reuse existing open_namespace function * rootless: use auto cleanup functions * utils: use podman-pause-$RANDOM.scope name * hack/bats: deal with new bin helpers * Change error message for compatibility with docker * rename libpod nettypes fields * podman machine start wait for ssh * fix remote checkpoint/restore * Add --unsetenv & --unsetenv-all to remove def environment variables * Set config environment variables early in Podman init * journald logs: keep reading until the journal's end * secret: honor custom target for secrets with run * bindings: reuse context for API requests * podman machine improve port forwarding * Network test: fix podman-remote-rootless corner case * filter: add basic pattern matching for label keys * cirrus: force-install catatonit * infra container: replace pause with catatonit * Revert "add kubernetes pause" * Added test for checkpoint/restore --print-stats * Update man pages for checkpoint/restore --print-stats * Added optional container restore statistics * Added optional container checkpointing statistics * Error logs --follow if events-backend != journald, event-logger=journald * Enable 'podman run --memory-swappiness=0' * Fix network mode in play kube * Always create working directory when using compat API * play kube: don't force-pull infra image * Podman Image SCP transfer patch * --authfile command line argument for image sign command. * Cirrus: Temp. disable prior-fedora testing * Cirrus: Update to Ubuntu 21.10 * Add failing run test for netavark * Add flag to overwrite network backend from config * libpod: create /etc/mtab safely * Add network backend to podman info * Add more netavark tests * select network backend based on config * Fix RUST_LOG envar for netavark * netavark IPAM assignment * netavark network interface * Make networking code reusable * Fix flake in upgrade tests * export adding id-specifier code to setContainerNameForTemplate * VOLUME must be declared after RUN chown command * network reload return error if we cannot reload ports * network reload without ports should not reload ports * Print headers for system connection ls * [CI:DOCS] Add CI check for SEE ALSO in man pages * podman load: support downloading files * Add links to all SEE ALSO sections * pod create: read infra image from containers.conf * rootless: adjust error message * Fix rootless networking with userns and ports * support health checks from image configs * change from run to create in 250-systemd.bats * Exclude already built sources for static build * shm_lock: Handle ENOSPC better in AllocateSemaphore * Fix Zsh completion command documentation * Match .c files in Makefile * Add Static Build download instructions to README * Add links to podman build,run, create see also * Minor test tweaks * pod create: read network mode from config * Bump Catatonit up to v0.1.7 * test connection add * system: Adds support for removing all named destination via --all * pod/container create: resolve conflicts of generated names * podman-generate-kube - remove empty structs from YAML * Add some information about disabling SELinux when using system volumes * Fix swagger definition for the new mac address type * Log Apache access_log-like entries at Info level [NO NEW TESTS NEEDED] * Test to check for presence of 'stats-dump' in exported checkpoints * Add 'stats-dump' file to exported checkpoint * Podman Image SCP rootful to rootless transfer * rename rootless cni ns to rootless netns * mount full XDG_RUNTIME_DIR in rootless cni ns * Bump from 5.1.0 to 5.2.0 * Keep error semantics intact * Fix rootless cni netns cleanup logic * tweak a couple of flag descriptions in help output * Update swagger doc make filed optional * Fix bindings container log test * test: run --cgroups=split in new cgroup * MAC address json unmarshal should allow strings * Make stop message more similar to start * Implement top streaming for containers and pods * Handle HTTP 409 error messages properly for Pod actions * Add tests * Fix swagger definitions * More conforming libpod API and swagger types * More conforming libpod API and swagger types * Better emptiness test for custom JSON serializer * System tests: enhance volume test, add debug prints * add unit test to containers_test * Use correct swagger type in doc-comment * Cirrus: Authorize rootless user self-ssh * Fix libpod API conformance to swagger * Fix help message case for `podman version` * Fix pause usage example * Use systemctl in local system test * Allow label and labels when creating volumes * volumes: be more tolerant and fix infinite loop * Add information on how podman machine is updated * volumes: allow more options for devpts * volumes: do not pass mount opt as formatter string * Bump from 0.22.2 to 0.22.3 * runtime: change PID existence check * oci: rename sub-cgroup to runtime instead of supervisor * libpod: deduplicate ports in db * Set flags to test 'logs -f' with journald driver * Set Checkpointed state to false after restore * container create: fix --tls-verify parsing * runtime: check for pause pid existence * utils: do not overwrite the err variable * Fix systemd PID1 test * Record the image stream along with the path * cgroups: use SessionBusPrivateNoAutoStartup * vendor: update godbus to v5.0.6 * Slirp4netns with ipv6 set net.ipv6.conf.default.accept_dad=0 * Fix a few problems in 'podman logs --tail' with journald driver * Allow 'container restore' with '--ipc host' * Document to not set K8S envars for CNI * Bump * pod create: remove need for pause image * add kubernetes pause * cirrus: containers: mount directory in /var/tmp to /tmp * overlay root fs: create mount on runtime dir * Update vendor * If Dockerfile exists in same directory as service, we should not use it. * Fix tests of podman image trust --raw and --json * Tighten the expected output of the "podman image trust show" test * Use INTEGRATION_ROOT instead of current directory * Add support to play kube for --log-opt * [NO NEW TESTS NEEDED] Fix off-by-one index comparision (reported by LGTM) * Fix some typos in documentation and comments (found by codespell) * Replace 'an user' => 'a user' * [CI:DOCS] Fix typo keep_id -> keep-id * Set DOCKER_HOST in the VM * fuse-overlay probably means fuse-overlayfs. * Support template unit files in podman generate systemd * Remove --kernel-memory options * tag: Support tagging manifest list instead of resolving to images * Remove infra ID from DB before removing containers * System tests: confirm that -a and -l clash * systemd: compatible with rootless mode * system tests: CONTAINER_* and --help: cleanup * podman run --memory=0 ... should not set memory limit * Add information on how to discover default log driver * Add test for system connection * Generate Kube should not print default structs * libpod: change mountpoint ownership c.Root when using overlay on top of external rootfs * Change podman connection list to use default field * Allow API to specify size and inode quota * Use exponential backoff when waiting for a journal entry * Pod Rm Infra Improvements * system tests: socket activation: clean up * rootfs-overlay: fix overlaybase path for cleanups * Move CONTAINER_HOST and _CONNECTION to IsRemote Function * We should only be relabeling when on first run * If CONTAINER_HOST env variable is set default podman --remote=true * Set targetPort to the port value in the kube yaml * Do not add TCP to protocol in generated kube yaml * Use CGO_ENABLED=1 when building natively on darwin * Test-hang fix: Wait for ready + timeout on connect. * Checkpoint/Restore test fixes * Don't include ctr.log if not using file logging * Don't use docker/pkg/archive, use containers/storage/pkg/archive * Fix codespell errors * Adjust tests to verify all subcommands show the help message * Fix panic in container create compat api * Don't add image entrypoint to the generate kube yaml * Display help text on empty subcommand by default * podman search: display only name and description by default * codespell code * Add information about .containerignore to podman build man page * CNI: fix network create --ip-range * Kube Gen run as user/group issues * rootlessport: reduce memory usage of the process * No space in kube annotations for bind mounts * Fix CI flake on time of shutdown for API service * Refactor podman search to be more code friendly * Unit files: Use actual installed path for podman * Bump from 1.16.4 to 1.16.5 * cgroups: use cgroup.controllers to read controllers * builder: Add support for builder prune * Remove a volume with --force if container is running * Use SplitN(2) when copying env variables * podman stats: move cgroup validation to server * fix test * Support readonly rootfs contains colon * [CI:DOCS] fixup section in header * Enable /debug/pprof API service endpoints * Not all fields in machine list were set properly * faster image inspection * Warn if podman stop timeout expires that sigkill was sent * [CI:DOCS] introduce --replace flag for play kube * [CI:DOCS] Include manifest example usage * Change podman.1 man page to show corret log-level default * Bump from 1.8.5 to 1.9.1 * Fixes #11668 * libpod: fix race when closing STDIN * Ensure `podman ps --sync` functions * Allow `podman stop` to be run on Stopping containers * Bump from 5.16.0 to 5.16.1 * Bump * It really should be no **NEW** tests needed * Point to Podman's channels * Add podman-plugins to upstream image * CNI networks: reload networks if needed * bump c/common to latest and c/storage to 1.37.0 * Add --time out for podman * rm -f commands * Cirrus: Fix defunct package metadata breaking cache * Pod Events Logging Fix * [NO TESTS NEEDED] Ignore removed containers * Pod Volumes From Support * Add note about empty fields and null values for API responses * Bump from 1.23.0 to 1.23.1 * Add podman play kube --no-hosts options * Gating tests: fix permissions error * pkg/specgen: cache image in generator * cirrus: gitlab: download packages * Add guard for BuildOptions.CommonBuildOpts * System tests: tighten 'is' operator * Update README and release notes for v3.4.0 * sdnotify test: accept MAINPID anywhere * machine: silently cleanup dangling sockets before rm if possible * Add expose type map[uint16]string to description * [NO TESTS NEEDED] Fix typo in storage.conf file exists message * Support selinux options with bind mounts play/gen * kube: fix conversion from milliCPU to period/quota * Bump from 0.0.12 to 0.0.14 * test: use new helper * test: skip test on rootless cgroupsv1 * machine: Info on successfully stopping qemu machine * Allow a value of -1 to set unlimited pids limit * Vendor in latest containers/storage * Storage can remove ErrNotAContainer as well * libpod: container create: init variable: do not deep copy spec * libpod: add GetConfigNoCopy() * libpod: add execSessionNoCopy * libpod: do not call (*container).Spec() * Pod Device-Read-BPS support * Remind user to check connection or use podman machine * Ensure pod ID bucket is properly updated on rename * Fix contributor make targets on Ubuntu and Debian * Implement PR template to assist review & release * libpod: do not call (*container).Config() * [NO TESTS NEEDED] Add port configuration to first regular container * [CI:DOCS] cmd/podman: no dot for short descriptions * move network alias validation to container create * set --cni-config-dir for exit command * always add short container id as net alias * image prune: support removing external containers * System tests: speed up. They've gotten too slow. * Add dockerfile.5 as man link to containerfile man page * Set MSI to be 64-bit only. * fix podman network prune integration test flakes * Cirrus: Add gitlab podman runner test * CNI: network remove do not error for ENOENT * remote build: EvalSymlinks() the context directory * stop: Do nothing if container was never created in runtime * logging: new mode -l passthrough * Allow machine options to be set from containers.conf * Vendor in containers/common v0.46.0 * podman machine: do not join userns * Disable docker and alias to podman in FCOS ignition * added healthcheck to ps command * Fix english on prune prompt * Document missing /images/search query parameters * rootful: do not set XDG_RUNTIME_DIR for cni plugins * Revert "rootful: unset XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" * Add completion for machine list format * Set context dir for play kube build * Makefile: use -ldflags/-gccgoflags depending on the go implemenatiton * Update docs for --platform in podman-build.1 * shell completion: do not show images without tag * podman inspect add State.Health field for docker compat * podman save: enforce signature removal * Add JSON version of the machine list * Add support for :U flag with --mount option * [CI:DOCS] Add link to running ctrimage on enablesysadm * Ignore mount errors except ErrContainerUnknown when cleaningup container * standardize logrus messages to upper case * podman generate kube should not include images command * Fix machine image * sync container state before reading the healthcheck * Also show the (initial) disk size * Show cpus and memory in machine list * Eighty-six eighty-eighty * net types: remove omitempty from required fields * podman save: add `--uncompressed` * Bump CNI to v1.0.1 * vendor c/psgo@v1.7.1 * [CI:DOCS] Add network alias note in man pages * Add a backoff and retries to retrieving exited event * Cross-build release-archives w/ arch in filename * Fix Error, empty output for info: 'VERSION' * Generate kube should'd add podman default environment vars * volume: Add support for overlay on named volumes * Pod Device Support * Support --format tables in ps output * Remove references to kube being development * Add support for retrieving system service --timeout * Add podman image/container inspect man pages * [CI:DOCS] Add link to skopeo delete in podman rmi * vendor c/common@main * remote untag: support digests * Created MapOptions for PodCreate * Bump from 0.22.1 to 0.22.2 * compat API: /images/json prefix image id with sha256 * podman machine: use gvproxy for host.containers.internal * utils: return error message from StartTransientUnit * utils: raise warning only on cgroupv2 * Add podman machine init --now option * System tests: cleanup, and remove obsolete skips * Add username flag for machine ssh * Remove unused code from libpod * [CI:DOCS] markdown cleanup * Fix up build the docs site * Use a new markdown converter for sphinx * runtime: move pause process to scope * system: move MovePauseProcessToScope to utils * system: always move pause process when running on systemd * system: avoid reading pause pid file * Only add entry to /etc/hosts with --net=none * Add no-trunc support to podman-events * CNI: add ipvlan driver * CNI: network create support macvlan modes * Do not allow network modes to be used as network names * fix inverted condition * Fix /auth compat endpoint * Add Drivers method to the Network Interface * CI: load ipv6 kernel modules for rootless tests * Drop OCICNI dependency * Wire network interface into libpod * cni network configs set ipv6 enables correctly * default network: do not validate the used subnets * network create: validate the input subnet * Set default storage from containers.conf for temporary images * container runlabel remove image tag from name * build.bats: fix copy tests after containers/buildah#3486 * build: mirror --authfile to filesystem if pointing to FD instead of file * Fix example in podman machine init man page * vendor: Bump from 1.22.3 to 1.23.0 * api: handle nil pointer dereference in rest endpoints * build: take advantage of --platform lists * Document `all` query parameter for /libpod/images/prune * Show variant and codename of the distribution * Use new aarch64 fcos repos * Enhance bindings for IDE hints * Pod Volumes Support * test: enable --cgroup-parent test * libpod: honor --cgroups=split also with pods * tests: enable --cgroups=disabled test for rootless * tests: simplify --cgroups=disabled test * libpod: rootful close binded ports * Search gvproxy with config.FindHelperBinary() * rootfs: Add support for rootfs-overlay and bump to buildah v1.22.1-0.202108 * fix restart always with rootlessport * Cirrus: NM/CNI workaround + Remove prior-Ubuntu * If container exits with 125 podman should exit with 125 * Bump from 1.1.11 to 1.1.12 * bump c/common to v0.44.0 * remove rootlessport socket to prevent EADDRINUSE * Add deprecated fields for 1.22+ clients that still expect them * Use default username for podman machine ssh ==== python-M2Crypto ==== - Add missing bug references to this changelog. ==== yast2 ==== Version update (4.4.47 -> 4.5.1) - Show file conflict checking progress in delayed popup (bsc#1195608) PR: - 4.5.1 - Bump version to 4.5.0 (#bsc1198109)